Monday, November 16, 2009

Success Runs In The Family

DEARBORN HEIGHTS -- In less than 30 days, Robichaud High School Principal Kellie Cunningham will be experiencing a different world — from the other side of the globe.Cunningham has been chosen to participate in a program through the Hanban Confucius Institute, where she will spend one week in China learning about its educational system.“This visit will enable me to enhance the quality of the Chinese language program we provide to our students,” Cunningham said.Currently, a Chinese language course is available at Robichaud and at other grade levels across the district.“Additionally, as Robichaud moves forward in our plans to implement the New Tech model next year, this experience will afford me the opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of the Chinese educational system and utilize the knowledge gained to create an educational program that produces students that are globally competitive,” she said.Leaving Dec. 2, Cunningham will head overseas through the 10th and spend the week attending programs.The activities and itinerary of this program are tailored especially to the needs of schools and districts already teaching Chinese. Participants will learn how to strengthen and expand their program; make connections with other educators; gather valuable resources; and build partnerships with schools in China, according to program coordinators.Trip delegates will have the opportunity to:* Attend in-depth school visits to observe classes and to meet with Chinese educators and students* Participate in partnership-building workshops and networking sessions* Learn from presentations about successful models and available resources* Share experiences with U.S. and Chinese educators* Visit cultural sites in Beijing and other cities* Learn firsthand about a country that is rapidly changing and rising on the global stage.The delegation spends a few days in Beijing, and then divides into groups to visit one or two regional cities. Final program itineraries are sent to delegates prior to departure. Each day, the schedule begins in the early morning and continues through the evening. The schedule is demanding and all delegates are expected to attend all activities and events.Having never been to China before, Cunningham is really looking forward to the experience, and especially the knowledge she’ll be able to bring back the school district.She’s also looking forward to seeing the real China in contrast to how it is depicted on TV.Robert Brooks, the principal at Tomlinson Middle School will also be heading to China on this trip.Neither had much time to prepare for the trip as they were only notified at the end of October they’d been accepted to participate, and all their travel documents were due Monday.Most of the trip costs are being paid for by the program.Delegates are required to pay a $450 nonrefundable fee, and to cover the cost of their independent travel to and from the designated U.S. hub cities.The rest is paid for by Haban, the program host. The value of the trip is about $3,000.